09/23/10 Wednesday, Nancy Dembowski, State Representative in House District 17, responded to recent statements by challenger Francis Ellert.

“Unfortunately, Mr. Ellert avoided joining me in my pledge for no tax increases on Hoosier families,” Dembowski said.  “Instead of taking a stand against ALL tax increases on hard working Hoosiers, Francis Ellert chose to play politics in an attempt to divert attention from the fact that he and his leadership in Indianapolis are clearly leaving the door wide open to asking for more tax dollars from Hoosier families.”

Dembowski referred to the recently announced House Republican agenda, which included a provision to adopt a budget with no “general” tax increases.  The House Republican leader Brian Bosma admitted to the avoidance of a no tax pledge when he “left the door open to raising some fee or special tax for a special program,” as is quoted in the Indianapolis Star on September 11, 2010.

The leader also told the Indianapolis Star that cuts in funding for schools and public safety had to be on the table.

“The person Ellert will answer to in Indianapolis is clear,” said Dembowski.  “Not only are tax increases part of their agenda, but cuts for education and public safety are on the horizon as well.”

“Ellert’s concern for big business and corporations is obvious,” continued the legislator.  Perhaps he didn’t know the unemployment legislation was approved by the Senate and signed by the Governor, Dembowski continued.  She reminded citizens of the 17th District of something that is seldom mentioned.  “Mr. Ellert has obviously not seen the legislation because 40,000 small businesses who don’t frequently lay off workers would not have experienced an increase at all.”   “His first concern is for corporate Indiana, my concern is with Hoosier working families and my pledge to them is no tax increase and it remains unchanged.”  Dembowski concluded.