“Great Central U.S. Shake Out” Tuesday at 10:15

April 18, 2011

04/19/11 According to earthquake experts, a major earthquake will strike Indiana in the future.  The New Madrid and Wabash Valley seismic zones have produced some of the largest earthquakes ever recorded in North America and have the potential to produce similar earthquakes.

Preventing an earthquake is impossible, but there are steps that can be taken to prepare for and reduce the impact from a major earthquake.

Marshall County EMA Director Clyde Avery informed the Commissioner that he and two school systems (Bremen & Plymouth) in the county will participate in the “Great Central U.S. Shake Out” on Tuesday, April 19th at 10:15 a.m.  Avery said, “The purpose of this drill is to discuss earthquake preparedness with schools and businesses.”

Plymouth Schools will be participating in the United States Shakeout Earthquake Drill that will be held on Tuesday at 10:15AM.  This drill will be the largest earthquake preparedness drill ever in the central United States history.  This drill is a result of a partnership from the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, the Indiana Geological Survey, the Indiana Department of Education, and safety officials from eleven other states.

The basic drill would include drop, cover, and hold on, which is a quake-safe action designed to protect lives and prevent injuries from failing furniture and falling objects that can become projectiles during ground shaking.  Teachers and students would then evacuate the building according to their preparedness plan.

Plymouth Schools is prepared to participate in this drill as they believe in safety for their students are very important.

For more earthquake preparedness tips, visit www.GetPrepared.in.gov to learn more.