04/20/11 The Argos School Board held their April meeting Monday night.  Superintendent, Dr. Jennifer Lucht, requested approval of a Personal Conduct Clause for Coaches.  The clause would be for coaches who are not teachers at Argos Schools.  Coaches who are also teachers would be subject to the Conduct Clause in their contracts.  “It is good to have what we expect for behaviors in black and white,”  said Dr. Lucht.  Board Member, Kurk Nellans commented “I like the overall scope, but I believe the wording is cumbersome.”  He presented a similar clause from Greenfield Central.  Greenfield’s clause was based on the same source material as Argos but the wording was more concise.  It was suggested that the Board members review both clauses and submit any revisions to Dr. Lucht to review.  The approval was tabled till the May meeting. 
Dr. Lucht informed the Board of a requirement from the Federal Lunch Program.  The government is requiring all school corporations to have a standard fee for the breakfast and lunch meals.  The Board approved an increase of 5 cents for Elementary and Jr. High meals and 10 cents for the Adult lunches.
The dates for summer school were announced.  For the Elementary and Jr. High there will be “Project Jumpstart”.  The students will be attending classes from 8 am till noon the two weeks before the school starts in August.  The timing should better prepare the students for the beginning of the new school year.  Summer School for the High School students will be June 1st thru June 29th.