07/11/11 The City of Plymouth will hold their regular meetings Monday evening beginning at 6 p.m. with the Board of Public Works and Safety, in the Council Chambers of City Hall followed by the Common Council meeting.

The agenda for the Board of Public Works and Safety includes reports by various city department heads, the City Engineer, the City Attorney, requests by citizens presented by the City Clerk Treasurer and other business.

The Common Council is expected to consider Ordinance 2011-2022-R2, an ordinance for the regulation of flood hazard areas within the City of Plymouth that was tabled at the last meeting.  They are also expected to consider Resolution 2011-460, a resolution of the Common Council approving a resolution by the Plymouth Redevelopment Commission and the Plymouth Plan Commission amending the Economic Development Plan for TIF #1 to approve improvements for the City’s well plant on Pioneer Road.

The City meetings are open to the public but comments and questions are limited to agenda items only.