12/13/11 Ken Olson, Director-Plymouth School of Inquiry is reminding Lincoln Junior High 8th grade parents about the School of Inquiry and their plans for next year.   The students have heard about the new school within a school and now it’s the parents turn to hear about the school, and ask questions of their own.

As a member of the New Tech Network, Mr. Olson is inviting parents to a meeting to be held on Wednesday, December 14th at 5:45pm in the Plymouth High School Cafeteria. This meeting will be an opportunity for parents to learn about the School of Inquiry in a short 10 minute presentation and then they will have a question and answer period to follow. Topics that will be covered in the short presentation will cover the courses to be offered, the application process, and general information about the School of Inquiry.  

If a parent is unable to attend this meeting, but would like more information about the School of Inquiry they can contact Ken Olson via email at kolson@plymouth.k12.in.us, via telephone at 936-2178, or you can view the parent information page on the school website- http://www.plymouth.k12.in.us/soi—parents.html