03/24/11 The Plymouth Schools are considering the creation of an “Honorary Diploma” to recognize individuals who have served the schools over a number of years. Plymouth High School Principal Jim Condon briefly outlined the concept in a presentation to the school board during their regular meeting on March 15.

Additionally, they hope to award the honor to those students who were enrolled in PHS, but passed away prior to graduation.

Condon said, “At this time, the Honorary Diploma remains a work in progress.” He indicated that the administrators will be forming a committee of teachers, administrators, and community partners to develop the guidelines that would be used to establish eligibility.

Condon said, “The Honorary Diploma would not be included in the calculation of our graduation rate nor is it an approved document by the State of Indiana.” He added, “Instead, it would simply be a local award given to an individual or the family of deceased student.”

Member of the school board shared their support of the concept. Condon said he would return to the board in the future after the proposed committee has established the guidelines.

Carol Anders Correspondent