08/04/11 The Starke United Board of Directors recently approved emergency funding for Community Services of Starke County, which were designated to supply their Food Pantry. On August 1, 2011, Julie Dessauer, executive director of Starke United, presented Joan Haugh and Cecilia Torres of Community Services with a check in the amount of $1500.00. The much-needed funds have been allotted for the purchase of ground beef and other essentials.

Julie Dessauer said, “Starke United’s mission is: To provide leadership in uniting all people of Starke County to address human conditions through positive actions. The board members of Starke United felt that in order to serve our mission, there was no question to assist when the food pantry was in need.”

Joan Haugh commented on how thankful she was that Starke United was able to help, knowing that their funds have also been low since the economy has struggled.

Starke United raises funds through personal and corporate donations with their campaign drive and various special events. This year’s Starke United campaign has a kick-off date of September 21, 2011. The annual event is a workplace fundraising drive which allows for donations to be made through payroll deductions which can be spread out over the year. This method makes donating easy and more affordable. Contributors may donate funds directly to Starke United, which makes emergency funding such as this possible, or funds may be designated to a specific agency of their choice. For more information contact Julie Dessauer at 574-772-7506. 

Starke United invites you to show your support to the community by participating in their events and campaign drives. Together, we can accomplish more.