01/04/12 The first meeting of the new year for the Marshall County Commissioners began with the election of officers.  Kevin Overmyer was again elected as President, and Jack Roose was elected as Vice President while Greg Compton will remain as the member.  Overmyer was also elected to be the representative to MACOG.

The Commissioners made their 2012 department head appointments.  All are the same including: the I.T. Director-Michael Marshall, Building & Grounds-Rich Ulrich, Weights & Measurers-Jim Wenino, Museum-Linda Rippy, Building Inspector-Chuck DeWitt, EMA Director-Clyde Avery, Highway Superintendent-Neal Haeck, County Attorney-Jim Clevenger, and Veterans Service Officer-Josh Wakeland.  The commissioners did put Wakeland on a 90 day probationary period since the job this year has gone from part time to full time.  They also approved a pay raise for the County Attorney.  His current pay was $120 an hour and since he hasn’t had a raise in 3 to 4 years they approved a $5 an hour raise to $125 an hour.

The Commissioners also re-appointed Roger Umbaugh to the Marshall Economic Development Corporation board, and Mark Gidley to another term on the Plymouth Plan Commission.

In other business County EMA Director Clyde Avery presented his monthly report.  Commissioner Overmyer congratulated Avery for meeting all the requirements necessary to renew his Professional Emergency Management Certification, which will be valid until December 2015.  Avery said the county will be participating in the Statewide Amateur Radio Test on January 21st and this year’s Great Central US Shake Out on Tuesday, February 7th at 10:15.  He is encouraging local businesses to become involved by reviewing their emergency plans and preparing for business related disruptions if an earthquake should happen such as not being able to receive material or being able to ship out products.