04/16/12 Lisa Berger from the Neighborhood Watch for the Nutmeg area wants to notify the Plymouth community that there are people who were knocking on residential doors after 800p.m. Thursday evening in the Nutmeg area.

Berger said, “We had one man come to the door with a business card stating, B-Mark  Inc. but with no personal name. He had three other individuals with him that sat in the car.”  She continued, “As we started the chain of calls around the neighborhood we discovered they had different people going to different doors.  She said, “We aren’t sure what types of cars or how many they were using.”

Lisa Berger explained that they wanted to come inside and shampoo the carpets at 8:30 p.m.  Their stories were inconsistent from a few of the neighbors.

The Marshall County Sheriff’s Department was notified and they are pursuing this incident.