09/28/12 It was a well attended Luncheon provided by Christos Banquet Center on Wednesday afternoon.  It was the start of this years campaign for the Marshall County United Way and their agencies they serve.

This years guest speaker was Warsaw’s Maverick CEO, Dr. Dane H. Miller.  Dr Miller is co-founder and former CEO, President and Director of Biomet in Warsaw.  He provided the crowd a video of his personal life leading up to where himself and family are today.

“I’ve been blessed to have the success I’ve had.  It took a team effort from my early days just beginning to growing the multi-million dollar company we have now.”, said Miller.

“I believe Philanthropy should be a passion, not a requirement.  We shouldn’t be forced to give because we’ve had success.  It should be a choice and joy to serve others.” he added.  Biomet now sponsors  over 65 scholarships to students in Kosciusko County.   “We have been part of Kosciusko County’s United Way for as long as I can remember.  We donate personally, family and through our business.  United Way is a big part of what we do at Biomet.”

Francis Ellert, this years United Way of Marshall County Board President, praised  Miller’s efforts, stating he is an example of how “We” together can make a difference in hundreds of peoples lives using the United Way agencies.

This year also marks a NEW look for United Way Campaign Chairs.  There is not just one Chair….but the “Fab Five” Campaign Chairs.   Bill Davis, Scott Graybill, Lance Overmeyer, John Oliver III and Dave Goebel have taking the reigns for this years camapign drive.

Dave Goebel thanked everyone who participates in United Way.  He thanked the many representatives of those agencies in attendance.

John Oliver III discussed using not just our monetary donations to support the United Way. But our time, talent and treasures collectively to help others in need.

There was a heartwarming testimonial from Heidi Watson who was in need of the many agencies United Way sponsored, and how those agencies saved her family and herself.

UWMC Executive Director Linda Yoder closed the event by discussing the many avenues and programs currently utilized by UWMC.   The latest program was the “Cornerstone Partnership”.  This program is designed to underwrite administrative expenses of UWMC so that more of every contribution from individual donors goes directly to programs and services.  The program is off to a great start with 6 coporate sponsors helping in this program, plus, giving through donations as well.

Last year, 23,675 Marshall County residents helped through United Way of Marshall County.  To learn more about UWMC go to www.marshallcountyuw.org to find out how you can help.