10/22/13 Bids were opened for drainage projects around Marshall County on Monday.

Kolesiak Construction was low bidder in bid openings for projects by the Marshall County Drainage Board for three projects in southern Marshall County.

The company made a low bid of $5,853 on maintenance work to the Jap Lake arm of the Ballinger Myers drain in Green Township. The work will be to de-brush approximately 8130 feet of the ditch beginning at Nutmeg Road and ending at Pine Road. They will also do work nearby on the Lowry Ditch arm of the Ballinger/Myers watershed. They company will undertake 2644 feet of de-brushing with 1250 feet of the project being open ditch. The work includes installation of 1384 feet of 15 inch tile.

The county will only pay for the installation of the tile. The tile itself will be paid for by local landowner Bill Voreis.

Work will also be done by Kolesiak on the Worsham ditch that extends into Kosciusko County. The work will be de-brushing 4350 feet of the ditch starting at Apple Road and ending at a private crossing. The company bid $16,835 for the project.

The Worsham and Jap Lake projects are scheduled for completion by March 15 of 2014. The Lowry ditch is to be completed by January 31 of 2014.

Provided by RN