02/04/13  There’s just one week left until the Great Central U.S. Shakeout on Thursday, Feb. 7. It’s not too late to sign up at www.shakeout.org/centralus.

Thursday will be the third annual Great Central US Shakeout. The shakeout is the largest earthquake drill of its kind. At 10:15 a.m., everyone in the Central U.S. is asked to drop, take cover and hold on. The first step is to drop as low to the ground as you can, then take cover under a sturdy piece of furniture such as a desk or table, then hold on to it throughout the shaking so you don’t become separated from your cover.

In addition to practicing drop, take cover and hold on, participants are encouraged to check their homes and workplaces for things that could become dangerous in an earthquake. For instance, a tall bookshelf could have items fall of it, or the bookshelf itself could fall on a person, if it isn’t secured to the wall. For more about earthquake safety and disaster preparedness in general, visit getprepared.in.gov.

The Central US Shakeout currently has over 2.2 million participants already registered, and almost 460,000 of those participants are from Indiana. Be prepared and register your school, business, organization or family.