I cant take it anymore I have to say something because the school is getting ridiculous! We as parents have listened to PHS play the Rocky Top at football games for awhile and now I am told that because MR Condon decided the song was no appropriate because of lyrics talking about a girl being bare LOL really does he not know the song? Here is that part of the song that he feels isn’t appropriate ”Once there was a girl on rocky top,
Half bear the other half cat” and here is the other part he feels isn’t appropriate ”Once two strangers climbed on rocky top,
Lookin’ for a moonshine still”. I find this to be nothing more than a great song and how in the world can he feel this wouldn’t be appropriate to play at a football game for crying out loud. Mr. Condon this song has played for I cant even tell you exactly how long but really, give me a break this is nothing more than a power trip. Kind of like taking the condiments away from students. This crap that the school is focusing on is really just petty things. You don’t have anything better to do than to take away a song at a football game because you don’t understand the lyrics or because it talked about moonshine? Maybe you need to focus your attention on other things instead of taking a great song and trying to turn it into something that is inappropriate.\

Angel Pennington