City NEwsMonday evening members of the Plymouth Common Council heard first reading of an ordinance amendment pertaining to the keeping of cattle, goats, and the like in the city limits.

The ordinance amendment of City Code prohibits the keeping of livestock within the city limits. The purpose of the ordinance amendment is to further clarify the prohibition of live stock by changing the title: The Code of Ordinances of the City of Plymouth Concerning Keeping Cattle, Goats, and the Like Unlawful by taking out cattle, goats and the like and replacing it with Keeping Livestock Unlawful.

Section 1 A will now state: It shall be unlawful for the owner or any other person in charge of any cattle, sheep, swine, goats, fowl, livestock, or other like animal to keep, or to suffer, or to permit any such animals to be kept within the corporate boundaries of the city.

On a city ordinance, the first reading is just a reading by title done by the city attorney. The council does not vote on the ordinance…they only vote on the second and third reading, therefore Monday night members of the City Council heard the ordinance. They will consider voting on the ordinance amendment at their August 11th meeting.