City HallThe City of Plymouth will conduct its regular meetings Monday evening beginning at 6 with the Board of Public Works and Safety meeting. Agenda items includes department head reports, a financial guarantee for Comcast to work in the city’s right-of-way at Mid City Supply a request of Ann Davis to permit scaffolding on the sidewalk at Harriett’s Closet and the annual request of the Masonic Lodge to park golf carts on city property during the Blueberry Festival.
Listed under Other Business is Michelle Iqbal who wants to discuss action regarding 400 East Jefferson Street.
The Plymouth Common Council meeting will consider on second and third reading an ordinance amendment concerning the keeping of farm animals in the city limits.
The Common Council will also consider resolutions for AK Industries and Composite Technology Assemblies declaring their real estate to be within an economic revitalization area, as part of the first phase of a tax abatement request.
The Common Council meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of city hall.