City HallThe City of Plymouth will hold their regular meetings tonight beginning at 6 p.m. with the Board of Public Works and Safety. The agenda includes ratifying the bid for the Beerenbrook and West Jefferson Street storm sewer project. City department heads will give their reports and City Engineer Rick Gaul will update the board on the Baker Street Safe Routes to School grant and the ADA sidewalk compliance.
Also on the agenda is the request of Plymouth EMS to provide service for Notre Dame Football Practice at the Culver Academies.
City Clerk Treasurer Toni Hutchings will present requests from Mandy Metsker for Tri Kappa and one for Michiana Contracting.
The Common Council meeting is expected to begin at 6:30 with second and third reading of the 2015 salary ordinances. Members will also consider an amendment to the city ordinance prohibiting the keeping of cattle, goats, and the like unlawful on first reading.
The city meetings are open to the public but comments and questions are limited to agenda items only.