Bunches of Blueberries9-2014Boys&GirlsClubA Bunch of Blueberries in Marshall County was proud to present the first donation check of $300 to Billie Treber, Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club of Marshall County. The donation is from the newest giant blueberry that is being sponsored by three anonymous donors and will be placed that the Plymouth Municipal Airport.

Shelley Heiden presented the check at this week’s Kiwanis Club Meeting! Heiden was the program for the Kiwanis meeting promoting the giant sculptured blueberries that are beginning to dot the City of Plymouth. This blueberry at the Plymouth Airport is the start of phase two for the blueberries. In the second phase the decision was made to make the giant berries a way to give back to the community by including a $300 donation to the Boys and Girls Club with each one purchased.

Blueberries can be ordered anytime, although Heiden said she is hoping to place another order the end of October. Call Shelley Heiden with questions or interest on the giant blueberries. 274-4376 !