ResignationThis week members of the Marshall County Alcohol Beverage Commission received notice of the resignation of Katy May from Culver.
May was first appointed by the Marshall County Commissioners in 2009 and has been appointed annually since.

Prior to the meeting May told Excise Officer Michelle Trauhber and local board members Vida Creed and Maria Keller she has enjoyed being on the ABC Board but due to health reasons would resign effective immediately following Tuesday’s meeting.

The three member local board is created by an appointment from the Marshall County Commissioners – May, the Marshall County Council – Keller and by the Mayor of Plymouth – Creed.

The county likes to keep one democrat on the board and one republican although it is not a requirement of the state. Mrs. May was a republican so the commissioners will be looking for someone interested is serving on the local Alcohol Beverage Commission.

To qualify for the position you must be at least 21 year of age, been a resident of Marshall County for at least 5 years, and a responsible law abiding citizen. You can not be an elected official or hold a full or part time public office. Each local board member receives an annual salary of $240 from the State, paid in monthly installments. Each member also receives $3 for each application he or she investigated and reports on. Local board members are also compensated for mileage.