tornado-damage_genericThe National Weather Service has confirmed a third tornado touching down in Marshall County.
County EMA Director Clyde Avery met with the Weather Service late last week and said they confirmed two tornado touchdowns in Plymouth. During Monday’s Commissioner meeting Avery said the National Weather Service confirmed a third. This third tornado was carry-over from one that began in Starke County and traveled up to Union Road in the area of Koontz Lake. The EF 1 had sustained winds up to 110 mph, a 400 foot wide path that was on the ground for 4.9 miles.
Commissioner Kevin Overmyer asked Avery if he knew why the weather warning sirens were not activated during last Tuesday’s storm.
Avery explained that he had nothing to do with activating the sirens. He did say that the Sheriff’s Department can activate the county sirens in the rural parts including Union and Center Townships along with the towns of Culver, Bourbon and City of Plymouth. Bremen handles their own sirens along with the one at Lake of the Woods. Avery said there is an investigation into determining why they were not used although, he said the sirens are for outdoor warning and since this most recent storm with tornados happened about 12:30 in the morning an emergency alert radio is the best defense.
Avery said, “There is a lot that needs to be corrected.” He continued, “We need to get people on board and get them cooperating and working to implement the plans we have in place.” Avery said, “I don’t know how many people it’s going to take to actually get hurt or sick or even killed before people realize that.”
The power outage at the County Building and Courthouse included the loss of internet connectivity. Avery indicated when he is the only person in the office and he only has two hands to answer the calls.
The County EMA Director has made training available to all the area departments on the plan and the various annexes including a warning annex that talks about all the different warning resources the county has available buy many have not taken advantage of the opportunities.