Plymouth School Administrators have found a creative way to fulfill the state mandated requirement for providing instruction for 180 day per school year, even though inclement weather forced a number of school closings, including the latest on March 12. Beginning Monday, April 7, the school day will be extended by 10 minutes per day for 36 days. Superintendent Daniel Tyree received approval from the School Board on April 1 to put the extended day into effect. Tyree said, “The state has given us a lot of latitude.”

Tyree explained that administrators in each of the seven schools were asked to discuss how the extra time would be used in their own buildings. Tyree said, “It must be used for instructional time.”

Tyree said, “We really felt that we had to have consistency at the end of the school day.” He went on to say that the consistent plan would allow parents to plan for child care and other needed arrangements.

Prior to the School Board meeting, the proposed extension had been discussed with and approved by the Plymouth Education Association (PEA).

Board President Todd Samuelson said, “This impacts parents and teachers.” He went on to thank teachers and administrators for their cooperation.

The last day of classes for students for the 2013-2014 school year is June 5 and for teachers, June 6. Summer school classes will begin on June 9.

Carol Anders Correspondent