SeniorGames_Shuffle Board Winners2014The 2014 Senior Classic Games hosted by Plymouth Park Department and Miller’s Senior Living Community have been taking place this week. Scott Michel and Anna Corbett, game coordinators said the games are open to any senior man or woman. The games are primarily held in Plymouth’s Centennial Park although a few, golf and bowling are held at participating local businesses.

SeniorGames_Cornhole winners 2014Adults ages 50 and older take part in the events including; doubles and singles tennis, shuffleboard, bowling, men and women’s golf, a basketball free-throw contest and a cornhole contest. For more information call Scott Michel at 574-936-7255 or Anna Corbett at 574-936-9801.

Photo: 1. Winners of the Shuffleboard completion are from left to right: Bob Gross, Silver; Bill Miller, Gold; and Tom Miller, Bronze.

2. Cornhole competition winners are: Front – Bill Miller and Tom Miller, Gold; Back – Bob Gross and Ken Kennedy, Bronze; and Jerry Eby and Ray Bopo, Silver.