03/27/14 More than 1.9 million Indiana taxpayers have filed their annual tax returns. Individuals must file and pay before the individual income tax deadline on April 15, 2014.

I. How to File?
Indiana offers INfreefile, a free online filing system for qualified taxpayers. Visit www.freefile.dor.in.gov to see if you are eligible to complete your state and federal taxes using INfreefile. More than 85,000 Hoosiers have filed with INfreefile so far this year.

II. What if you owe?
You should file a tax return by April 15 even if you cannot pay the tax due. The easiest way to pay is through the secure ePay site at www.epay.in.gov. If you cannot pay the full amount due, you can: 

1.    Send as much of the amount owed as possible when you file your return. Penalty and interest will be due on the unpaid amount. The more you pay when you file, the less penalty and interest you will owe. The department will send a bill within a few weeks of your filing with the remaining amount due.

2.    If you cannot pay any amount, send in your tax return without payment. The department will send a bill within a few weeks with the full amount due plus penalty and interest.

Taxpayers can qualify for a bill payment plan if they owe more than $100 and can pay at least 20 percent down. Businesses must owe more than $500 and pay at least 20 percent down. After receiving a bill, taxpayers can set up a payment plan online or request it by contacting the department. Once the plan is approved, payments can be made online or by mail .