Argos Recycle Bench_1For the past year and a half, the students of the Argos Junior High School Honor Society have been collecting plastic bottle caps to earn benches to be placed in and around the school. On Wednesday, they achieved that goal.

Argos recycle Bench_2In order to receive a bench, 400 pounds of bottle caps have to be collected. An anonymous donor helped cover most of the cost for the bench while the club paid for the rest. The club also had to cover the amount charged to have the color of the bench changed to gold. The Argos Junior High Honor Society has collected enough bottle caps for a second bench and are well on their way to earning a third one. If you would like to donate any bottle caps, please bring them into the school. With your help, the club can continue their success.


Argos High School student Spencer VanDerWeele provided this article.