Bremen_PoliceWith the recent violence associated with Craigslist transactions, Bremen Police Chief Matt Hassel has offered the police department lobby as a safe place to meet and conduct any in-person social media transactions.  Hassel said, “The police department recognizes some transactions require more space than the lobby can provide, the public parking in front of the police department can be utilized for the larger item transaction.”

The Bremen Police Department lobby is open 24 hours a day / 7 days a week and is located at 123 South Center Street in Bremen. .

The Bremen Police Department is dedicated to the safety and security of the public they serve.

StarkeCountySheriffStarke County Sheriff Bill Dulin has also offered the lobby of the jail and the parking lot in front of the jail for any citizen to use, while meeting someone that they entered into an agreement with via on-line sales arrangement.

Dulin said, “A person never knows what kind of person they will be meeting, so please note this is not an offer of the Starke County Sheriff’s Office participating in or being part of any business transaction. We simply want to provide a safe and secure area for you to conduct your business in.”

This offer also goes out to the citizens who must exchange children as a part of a divorce decree or shared parenting agreement, the Starke County Sheriff’s Office has provided the lobby for the safe and non-confrontational exchange of children for years and our goal is to continue this service to our citizens.

All we ask is that upon arrival at the Starke County Jail you notify the on duty communications staff so they can take appropriate measures to ensure you have a safe exchange of property or children, depending on the circumstances.