Bruce Smith 11-15-15Bruce Smith from Walkerton was back before the Marshall County Commissioner Monday trying to get Redwood Road north of US 6 chip and sealed.

Reading from his two page letter he said, “I want to thank you for providing me with some of the documents that I requested.  I am returning the 209 copies of invoices because those are of no benefit and I did not request invoices, I specifically asked for a list of asphalt companies and the amount spent on gravel and thought it would be in the budget sheets.”

Smith also alleges that the 10 Year Road Plan draft given to him was missing three years.  He asked for copies of the 2018, 2020 and 2022 years of the road plan.

Smith said, “Today I want to focus on the decision process to “tear-up” Redwood Road and how it came to that conclusion.  His first concern is that Marshall County doesn’t have any maintenance records for Redwood Road or any other county roads.

Smith contends that the condition of his road was no worse than any other county road, it had chuck holes and when he talked to Jason Peters in July he was notified that there was no money for roads repairs due to a decrease in the gas tax.

This summer Paser Testing was conducted on all county roads.  Smith said, “Redwood Road was removed before any Paser results were even seen by any council member or commissioner.  He also alledges the testing was completed by employees that hadn’t taken for formal Paser Training.

Smiths wants a written procedure for moving roadways from chip/seal or asphalt back to gravel and believes the commissioners and or council should review the request to do so before work is done.

Bruce Smith will be on the What’s Your Opinion Show Thursday morning about 9:30.