City NEwsMonday evening members of the Plymouth Common Council approved Tax Abatement Compliance forms for several businesses.

Culver Tool, Hoosier Racing Tire, American Container and Aero Technologies/3M all had both personal property and real estate tax abatements.

A second Hoosier Tire tax abatement and one for Alex Home Medical were for only real estate tax abatements.

City Attorney Sean Surrisi said, “All of these are substantially compliant or exceeded the expectations”

Surrisi said the remaining one, for Kessler Crane has not reached their estimated project values for personal property but they are still within their two year time frame for the project.  Jerry Chavez from the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation will meet with Kessler to see the status of their projects.

The CF-1s will be forwarded to the county for their portion of the tax abatement process.