Teen Dating Violance Awareness MonthFebruary is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and the Heminger House Shelter for Women and Children want parents and other adults who care about kids to take time to talk to their teens.

Do you know that 2 out of 3 teens will experience teen dating abuse? Unfortunately, 75% of parents don’t talk with their kids about relationships. While numbers as large as those are scary, talking to your kids shouldn’t be. Diane Fisher, Sexual Assault Advocate with Heminger House said, “Although your kids may not tell you this, they actually want to have these conversations. Ultimately, by initiating these conversations with your teens, you have the power to set them up to have safer and healthier relationships throughout their lives.

Keep in mind that conversations, talking and listening are better than interrogations, shooting questions at them and expecting immediate answers.  Remember to be open-minded and non-judgmental when talking and listening to your kids.  Kids will answer your questions if they feel like they can give honest, real answers.  Don’t jump to conclusions.

Fisher said, “If the timing isn’t right, don’t make your teens feel pressured to talk; let them know that the door is always open.”

The Heminger House urges you to visit stand4respect.org to find information on how to start conversations.  After visiting stand4respect.org, the next step is to talk with your teens. Together you have the power to prevent this problem.

If you are a parent or teen who needs help or someone to talk to, please call the Heminger House Shelter in Marshall County. They have advocates on staff that are free to talk. Call 574-936-7233