kidney_donorWhen Nick and Beth Parker exchanged their wedding vows in September, 2013, they had no idea how soon they would face for better or for worse due to almost unthinkable circumstances.

By June of 2014, Nick began having symptoms of kidney failure including extreme fatigue, loss of appetite and then trouble digesting what he was able to eat, and swollen ankles. On Beth’s birthday on December 31, Nick had to give up his job with the U.S. Postal Service, leaving them to rely on Beth’s income from two part-time jobs.

Kidney_NickNick knew all to well what the symptoms meant since he had experienced similar ones in his late teen years that led to a kidney transplant in February of 2009. But he was still shocked since the kidney transplant, using a donated kidney from his brother Chris, had been expected to remain viable for at least twenty years.

Despite some insurance coverage, they have already occurred thousands of dollars in medical expenses for their portion of three-day a week dialysis treatments, a hospital stay to determine the extent of the damage to his health so far, and two surgeries to put in ports to deliver his dialysis treatments, as well as trips to Ft. Wayne and Indianapolis for doctor’s appointments.

They are now anticipating future expenses for testing, surgeries, recoveries, and follow-ups once the best potential donor is identified. Fortunately for Nick, his siblings including brother Travis and sisters Mandy and Lindsey have already volunteered to be among the first to be tested for compatibility.

While they wait for the go-ahead for a transplant surgery, Nick may be able to do dialysis at home that will have to be done every day.  Home dialysis may allow him to return, at least part-time, to his post office job in New Haven if he can be cleared by his physicians for the mandatory weight lifting requirement  by June 8.

More information on transplant donations can be obtained by calling  Sara Klingkammer, St. Vincent Renal Transplant Coordinator, at 317-338-6701.

Carol Anders Correspondent