Court proceedings for two cases in Marshall County concerning theft are slowly making their way through the courts.

Neal_HeackNeal Haeck, who was the director of the Marshall County Highway Department, is facing an indictment for theft through a grand jury in 2012 and 2013.

According to court records, Haeck “did knowingly or internationally exert unauthorized control over the property of Marshall County government, to wit: approximately $12,351.41” in an indictment charge from September of 2014.

According to Marshall County Prosecutor Nelson Chipman, the case has been delayed as Haeck has changed lawyers.

Haeck’s lawyers had 60 days from the change of lawyer to reach a plea deal by August 27.

Chipman stated that if it is not set by that date, it will be set for trial.

Mike GoodOn the front of Michael Good, things are progressing similarly.

Good was charged with theft, a class D felony, concerning the sale of scrap materials for $9,017.12 from the property of Marshall County Solid Waste Management District, also known as the Recycling Depot. The theft is alleged to have occurred between January 1, 2012 and April 30, 2014.

“Court records show that he has a plea deadline and status hearing for September 24. I expect some movement before then, but that’s the deadline that the court put on it for [the defense] to do something,” explained Chipman.

He does not expect the case to go to trial, but does expect it to be resolved soon.

“We’re frustrated with what they are doing right now,” he explained of the Haeck case. “Switching lawyers midstream delays the case unnecessarily. We are prepared to try it if they want to try it.”

Grand jury proceedings are more involved than normal court cases. The state presents evidence in a secret proceeding to six individuals who were chosen from a pool of 18 who decide if the person on trial should be charged. Those that can testify are notified that the do have the right to decline based on the fifth amendment.

Nelson could say no more concerning the cases, as he is bound legally from revealing anything that goes on during the grand jury proceedings until a decision is made.

Both men are presumed innocent until proven guilty in the eyes of law.


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