WSOI_GOlf_1WSOI Weidner School of Inquiry Math facilitators Lindsay Moore and Curtis Nordmann conducted a golf themed hands-on math lesson for their Geometry B class involving golf putters. The lesson took take place on the upper deck of the gym in Plymouth High School.

WSOI_Golf_2Mr. Nordmann who taught the lesson during his fourth hour class said, “This was a project involving finding area and using trigonometry.”  Students were able to let their creativity shine by designing their own individual putt-putt courses. 
WSOI_GOlf_3“Our learners then had to calculate areas of the different golf courses, and then had to make adjustments to the course if the area was too large,” said Nordmann. He went on to say, “We used trigonometry to find various angles and sides of the course when we put them together.”