Lincoln Day Dinner 2016_LincolnMonday evening Republicans from around Marshall County gathered at Christo’s Banquet Center in Plymouth for the annual Lincoln Day Dinner.  This year approximately 170 people enjoyed an evening a conversation, entertainment and information.

Superior Court II, Judge Dean Colvin served as Master of Ceremonies for the event and introduced David Holmes the Marshall County Republican Chairman.  Holmes said he was excited with the number of local candidates for the May primary and the state candidates who took the time to attend the evening.

Following a family style dinner, a knock on the door welcomed a special surprise guest speaker, Abraham Lincoln, portrayed by Danny Russel.  Those in attendance relived some of the heartbreaking events in Abe’s life, his life from early child hood through his business adventures to his first hand experience with slavery and his extraordinary accomplishments in the White House.

Lincoln Day Dinner 2016After the entertainment many of the candidates were given a few minutes to speak to the full house.  US District 2 Congresswoman Jackie Walorski said, “So I don’t get to vote on the new incoming justice, that’s the US Senate.   I will promise you and guarantee you that if I have to go stand by Mitch McConnell to make sure he stays rock solid on this issue, that you choose the next Chief Justice, a conservative like Justice Scalia, I will do that.”

The two state candidates on the republican ticket for Attorney General, Randy Head and Curtis Hill spoke along with both 17 District Representative candidates Jesse Bohannon and Jack Jordan and Superintendent of Public Instruction Jennifer McCormick.

Representative Tim Harman was given a standing ovation for his 4 years serving the constituents in Marshall County and Senator Ryan Mishler thanked everyone for his 4th term.