Plymouth Color Logo2014

The Plymouth Common Council appropriated $995,000 for the city’s required 50% match for the Community Crossroads Grant from the state during Monday evening’s meeting. $550,423 is the special distribution from the Local Option Income Tax and $444,577 will come from the city’s Rainy Day Fund.

During the public hearing on the additional, Councilman Jeff Houin asked what the balance will be in the Rainy Day Fund and Mayor Senter estimated $5.9 million.

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety also approved the Community Crossroads Grant project list which includes 13 city streets.

Hoham Drive from Oak Drive to almost Western Avenue, Jim Neu from Pioneer to Oak Drive and Walter Glaub from Jim Neu to Jim Neu will all have a structural overlay. Oak Drive from State Road 17 to US 30 is scheduled for a micro-surface along with Oakhill Avenue from the corporate limits to Michigan Street and Jefferson Street from Oak Drive to 5th Street. Several street projects are scheduled for structural overlays; Jefferson Street from the Yellow River Bridge to Kingston, Plum Street from Washington to Jackson, Pilgrim Lane from Oak to Western, PIDCO Drive from Jim Neu to Oak and Markley Drive from Shamrock to Western. The city also plans to crack seal Michigan Street from Oakhill Avenue to the corporate limits and Markley Drive from Oak Road to Shamrock.

These 13 street projects total $1,882,960 and can only be completed if the state awards the full funding through the Community Crossroads Grant.