
Plymouth will soon have a new Kroger Fuel Center after the City Board of Zoning Appeals approved four variances making it possible to locate the facility immediately south of Burger King in the Plymouth Plaza.


During Tuesday night’s meeting Kroger was granted a variance to reduce the front yard setback from 30 feet to 12.6 feet to allow one pumping station and the canopy to sit closer to Michigan Street.


KrogerFuel_westsideThe second variance approved reduced the required parking spaces for the entire complex from 634 to 601 while the third variance will allow Kroger to install 3 fuel pricing signs, one on the north side of the canopy, one on the south side of the canopy and the final one on the west side of the canopy.


The final variance needed for the construction projects was a reduction in the landscape requirements. Kroger will be improving the current landscaping along the entrance drive, plant three new red maple trees on the terrace south of the existing pylon sign and plant 16 boxwood shrubs between the fuel station and the sidewalk east of the station.


The Plymouth Board of Zoning Appeals voted to grant all four variances by a 4 to 1 vote with Mark Gidley voting against the variances.