Debbie Palmer

Debbie Palmer, Marshall County SWCD, received the Professional Certificate in Watershed Management from Purdue University, recognizing her completion of Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy, at a ceremony in Indianapolis on May 25, 2016.

The Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy builds local capacity to protect and manage water quality. Palmer attended five days of training and completed nine distance education modules to complete certificate requirements, learning to engage watershed stakeholders, use innovative computer tools in watershed management, develop an effective plan, and evaluate watershed outcomes.

Jane Frankenberger, Director of the Academy and Professor of Agricultural and Biological Engineering said “The graduates of the Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy are pioneers in leading watershed management programs across the State. They have committed the time and effort needed to strengthen their technical competence as well as leadership skills that are vital in bringing about water quality improvements.”

For more information about the Indiana Watershed Leadership Academy visit the program Web site: