Plymouth Color Logo2014Plymouth Fire Chief Rod Miller asked members of the Board of Public Works and Safety to take some time and look at the intersection of North Plum and Jefferson Streets.


The Chief said it’s a very busy intersection and there are bottle-necks at certain times of the day.


Miller said parking for the two counseling centers use the north east side of the street too near the corner, basically making it almost impossible for a fire truck to use the North Plum. He noted that North Plum is their primary route to the industrial park but they may have to select an alternative route through a more residential section because of the parking issues.


The fire chief asked Board of Works members to look at the intersection and suggested speaking with the counseling centers to obtain their in-put on the situation.


Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt commented that North Plum Street is narrow and south bound traffic tends to crowd toward the center of the roadway. Councilman Mike Delp suggested putting some pavement markings down to help keep traffic in the right lanes.


Councilman Don Ecker said the same think happens on the west intersection of Harrison and Michigan Streets.