Vote centerIn February 2011 Governor Mitch Daniels signed a law allowing county in Indiana to switch from precincts to vote centers.  In 2013 Secretary of State, Connie Lawson came to Marshall County and spoke in favor of vote centers telling those in attendance they are cheaper to operate and more convenient for voters.

Earlier this year the Marshall County Election Board with the support of the County Commissioners and Council moved from precincts to vote centers and voters will get their first experience using a vote centers.

Vote centers will offer flexibility on Primary Election Day, May 3rd.  Voters are not required to vote in a specific location but can vote at any of the centers in the county.  With technology, vote centers are all connected to each other through a secure internet and the electronic poll books update simultaneously so multiple voting is eliminated.

Marshall County has moved from a total of 28 precincts to 12 vote centers and voters can cast their ballots at any one of the following:  Triton High School in Bourbon, United Methodist Church in Argos, the LaPaz Fire Station, the Tyner Community Building, the Tippecanoe Community Building, Culver Depot, Bremen High School, Bremen Missionary Church, the Pretty Lake Trinity United Methodist Church on State Road 17, the Knights of Columbus Hall, Marshall County REMC and the National Guard Armory in Plymouth.

Each vote center will have multiple voting machines and one or two poll pads. Polls will be open tomorrow from 6 a.m. until 6 p.m.

WTCA will have complete election team coverage beginning at 6 p.m. Tuesday.