Dancing With the Stars_logoThe P-Town Posse will be participating in the 8th annual Dancing With the Stars fundraiser for the Marshall County Neighborhood Center this Saturday evening at the Swan Lake Resort.
DancingWithTheStars2016_PTownPossePosse members are Kelsey Flynn, Diane Hayden, Betsy Barron and Aimee Portteus who will dance to a Bruno Mars song.
Kelsey Flynn is the Director of Communications at the Weidner School of Inquiry at Plymouth High School.  Born and raised in Plymouth, she graduated from PHS in 1978 and married Tom Flynn.   Together they have 3 children, Katie and husband Mike, Thomas and Daniel and are the proud grandparents of a new grandson.
Dian Hayden graduated from PHS in 1979 and has made Plymouth her home for all of her life.  She is married to Marc Hayden and they have three children; Danielle, Zach and Vince.  Diane works as a Lab Operator for Environmental Laboratories.

Betsy Barron grew up in Mishawaka; however, her roots run deep in Plymouth as her mom was 1947 PHS graduate.  She has spent all of her adult life in Plymouth and has raised 4 wonderful children here – Merideth, Meagan, Jack and Joseph.  She is married to John and together they live Rockie football.  She is a math teacher at Lincoln Junior High and a 5 Star coach.

Aimee Portteus also graduated from PHS in 1985 and is the Director of Guidance at PHS.  Her husband is David and together they have three children; Josiah, Ella, and Libbie.   A graduate of Purdue University all three of their children are currently students at Purdue.  Aimee’s passion is to Live Life Well by advocating for others and she is excited to be part of Dancing With the Stars.

Although tickets are no longer available for the event on Saturday evening, you can still support the Neighborhood Center by voting for your favorite dancers.  Votes are $20 each or 8 votes for $100 or 20 voter for $ 200 and you can vote on line at   http://www.events.org/neighborhoodcenter.