Bourbon_downtown street sceneThe Bourbon Town Council continues their efforts to deal with unsafe and unsightly properties.

During their November 14 meeting, they discussed the progress of their efforts. For many months, Town Attorney Mark Wagner has been meeting with the managers of the Shell industry to set deadlines for hauling away large piles of debris. It was noted that Shell has been removing more of the debris, but the council will still monitor the progress. The next meeting between Wagner and Shell representatives has been scheduled for January 10, 2018.

The council members responded favorably to a suggestion by Bill Keyser, Zoning and Building Commissioner to make a counter offer on a property on Center Street the town owns with a potential buyer.

It was noted that November 15 is the deadline for four properties to be listed for sale with a realtor, or further action would be taken. Karen Holmes had paid $10,000 on past due utility bills with an agreement that there would be a grace period where no billing would be added. If the abandoned properties are not listed by the Wednesday deadline, the base utility changes will be reinstated. The council agreed to take further legal action if the deadline is not met.

RVs on West Center Street will be removed within the next few days. Keyser was named executor of the property in a court judgment that has allowed the town to make improvements.

Keyser received permission to get quotes to demolish another house on West Park Street. According to Wagner, the owner of the property is uncertain.

Carol Anders Correspondent