City HallThe City of Plymouth will conduct their regular meetings Monday evening beginning at 6 p.m. in the Council Chamber of City Hall.

The first order of business is a proposed lease for two parking spaces in the southwest corner of the Water Street parking lot for Reese’s Family Ribs.  Several months ago Emmanuel Reese asked the city about placing a semi-permanent shelter on the parking lot to protect a new smoker he’s preparing for.

That request led the City Attorney to contact the County Assessor and it was determined if the city leases a space or two in the parking lot they will become commercial lots and therefore taxable. In April Mr. Reese said he would be willing to pay a small monthly fee of $10 per month and cover the taxes that were estimated at $45 annually per space.  The Board of Works will consider the proposal for this lease.

Under requests, the Plymouth Rotary Club will seek permission to close a portion of Garro Street for the upcoming annual Pancake breakfast while the second request is for a Duck Crossing sign on Jackson Heights Road near the pond.

The Plymouth Common Council meeting is scheduled for 6:30 p.m. and includes a discussion of compensation for the police department and a resolution approving a lease between the Plymouth Redevelopment Authority and Redevelopment Commission and approving the issuance of lease rental bonds by the Redevelopment Authority.

Also on the agenda for the Council meeting is a proclamation for Dennis Cole and a report on the 2016 Annual Report with Jerry Chavez and Jim Condon for the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation.

Both meetings are open to the public but comments and questions are limited to agenda items.