Plymouth_Airport_buildingCulver Military academy will bring ten airplanes to the Plymouth airport for the summer program.  Those airplanes will fly about 650 hours during the summer.  It is possible that the owner of the airplanes will leave two of them based at the Plymouth airport for rentals during the rest of the year.

The Plymouth board of aviation commissioners reported that it is unlikely that they will pursue putting in a new access road to the airport any time soon.  The plan had been to move the road to the north end of the property out of the runway protection zone but the conditions for obtaining the property to do that included adding access to several lots that the current owners wanted to create.  The FAA will not provide any funding for a road that also provides access to other property.  If that were the case, subdivision rules would apply and state and local regulations would require additional expense.  The cost of that road would have soared to over half a million dollars which would all have to be paid from local funds.  The board will request that the current road be repaved.

The new fuel pumps were installed and with them a new kiosk for internet wi-fi service.  That will cost the airport about $250.  At other airports the cost would be over $14,000.  Part of the cost was paid by AVFUEL, the new supplier while other deals for internet service cut the cost to the low level.

The airport is beginning to create the new five year improvement plan.


Jim Kunze Correspondent