JiminezConstruction of a barn being built on the Jimenez property on Dogwood road was halted when a neighbor reported the construction.   The barn was being built without a building permit and the new barn and a fence is within the counties 75 foot right-of-way.

County Surveyor Craig Cultice said the fence is 8 feet from the top of the ditch bank and the barn is 26 feet from the ditch.   He did say that if work on the ditch was necessary, that it could be done from the other side.  He also pointed out that an excavator could get between the barn and the ditch bank.

Mrs. Jimeniz struggled with her English to tell the drainage board that they didn’t know they couldn’t do whatever they wanted on their property.   She apologized to the board for the mistake.

The board warned her that they could make them move the barn and fence outside of the 75 foot setback but did grant her a variance with the understanding  if they need to work on the ditch it would be the responsibility of the property owner to remove the fence at their own expense.

The variance was unanimously approved.