PHS_Prom_Drunk Driving_1Plymouth High School had words of thanks to the dozens of volunteers who made the mock crash, Operation Prom 2018, possible Friday morning. The entire student body was able to witness the immediate consequences of drunk driving from the front lawn of the high school. Among the volunteers were the Plymouth Police Department, Plymouth Fire, the Marshall County Coroner and Lutheran Air.

PHS_Prom_drunk Driving_2This is a busy season for high school students; they have a lot on their minds. One thing they might not be thinking about is there are real-life consequences to impaired driving. The students that participated in Friday’s mock crash are members of LEAD – Leader’s Eliminating Alcohol and Drugs. In the mock crash, one student died, others were injured and the impaired driver was arrested.

PHS_Prom_Drunk Driving_3According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, approximately 300 teens have died in alcohol-related traffic accidents during prom weekends over the past several years. Plymouth High School hoped Operation Prom 2018 was a serious warning to what drinking dangers can cause on prom night or any night.