1st Source Cardinal Center 2019Every month, Cardinal Services hosts a Cardinal Connection event at their group home in Plymouth. A Cardinal Connection event is an information meeting to educate the community about the services offered at Cardinal. The mission of Cardinal Services is to assist and advocate for people with disabilities or challenges to live lives full of dignity, growth and opportunity.

After attending a Cardinal Connection in October 2018, Mindy Overmyer and Kim Bates from 1st Source Bank were compelled to find a way to become more involved with Cardinal’s mission. After leaving the Cardinal Connection, Mindy and Kim had the idea of pizza and game night at the home. Starting last November, Rose Gutierrez organizes a monthly visit with several 1st Source employees participating in the pizza and game night at the home. The event has been a big hit with both the 1st Source employees and the gentlemen living in the home. The gentlemen look forward to their new friends coming to their house for fun and games, not to mention the pizza!

In addition to pizza and games night, 1st Source Bank also bought a number of new board games for the home as a Christmas gift. During the holiday season, the bank volunteered to be a Cardinal Elf and fulfilled one gentleman’s Christmas wish list. Cardinal Services would like to thank 1st Source Bank for their generosity and the friendship they have shown to the individuals. Cardinal sincerely appreciates the impact the 1st Source employees have had on the young men living in the Plymouth community.