Monday morning the Marshall County Council gave Doug Masterson, head of the County’s Building and Grounds the funding needed to repair the water issue from the patio on the east side of the Courthouse.

The commissioners approved the project that will keep water from seeping into the basement of the Courthouse.

Courthouse Annex Patio_1 told the council they had to spend $14,665 to fix the elevator when water go into the hydraulic tank, and that was after they had spent $80,000 to do a major repairs to it.

Seven companies were asked to look at the project, several bowed out right away and only one submitted a bid.  The bid for the project is $67,500 and will include removing all the concrete patio, the block-wall and installing a perimeter drain that will send storm-water to the street.

Masterson told the council he didn’t have enough money in his budget to do the project this year so he was asking for an additional appropriation.

Courthouse Annex patio_2Councilwoman Penny Lukenbill asked Commission Overmyer if the commissioners had any funding available in their Repair of Buildings line item for the 2019 budget.  Commission Overmyer said that budget was depleted with the LED Lighting Project.

Masterson had not submitted the required paperwork to complete an additional appropriation during this month’s meeting so the council will take official action at their September meeting.

Courthouse Annex Patio_3Masterson said he could use funds in his budget that are allocated for projects that are not yet complete to start the project and then replace them with the additional.  The County Council was support of the plan.

Courthouse Annex Patio_4