City newsOne agenda item on the Board of Public Works and Safety meeting from Monday evening was listed as Central Dispatch 2020 funding.

Plymouth Police Chief Dave Bacon told the board he would try and answer any questions they may have on the proposed payment of $177,186 for next year’s dispatching services to the city for police, fire and EMS calls.

Councilman Jeff Houin, a local attorney told the chief, “I don’t have a questions but I do have a comment.”  He said reviewing the contract that was signed in 2016 and instituted in 2017 says the payment approved in the contract will remain the same until an amendment is reached by the sheriff and the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety.

Houin went on to say, the city paid $127,987 in 2017.  The rate was increased in 2018 to $132,000 and up to $158,111 in the 2019.  In his opinion the city has over paid the contract a total of $43,137 the last two years.   By Houin’s calculation next year’s payment should be $127,987 less the $43,137 over payment, bring the total to $93,850 for 2020.

The local attorney said the Sheriff had no authority to change the fees paid without the board’s consent.  The city’s attorney didn’t  totally agree with Houin saying the city has representation on the advisory board with Mayor Senter and the Board of Public Works and Safety has paid the invoiced amount the last two years without question.

Council members did not appear to have a clear understanding of the formula used to calculate the fees and several felt the city was paying more than their fair share.

Chief Bacon did tell the city board that the advisory board meeting to increase the fees was approved on a night when the city had a meeting so the Mayor was unable to attend.

Since the fee isn’t due until 2020 the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety asked to have the City Attorney communicate with the Sheriff their concerns and interpretation of the current agreement.  The board feels the current fee shouldn’t be any more than the 2017 contract unless there is an agreement and amendment to the current contract.

As a comparison the Argos fee for police, fire and EMS dispatching for 2020 is $13,921 while Walnut and Green Township will pay $1,461 for Fire and EMS.  The Town of Bourbon’s fee for Police Fire and EMS is $11,497 and Bourbon Township $702 for Fire and EMS.  Culver’s fee is $13,472 for Police, Fire and EMS and Union Township $1,588; LaPaz $1,142.  Other Township were North $5,678; Polk Township $2,836 and Tippecanoe Twp $1,017.   The Center Township fee of $4,786 and West Township fee for Fire and EMS of $3,590 are to be covered by the City of Plymouth as per their contract for services provided by the Plymouth Fire Department.