salvation-army-red-kettleThe Salvation Army Red Kettle Campaign in Marshall County kicked off this past weekend.  Bell ringers were out in front of Walmart ringing the familiar bells hoping folks will drop in a few dollars or their spare change to help those less fortunate during 2020.

Funds collected in Bremen, Culver and Plymouth remain in our communities to help families who struggle financially throughout the whole year.  The Marshall County Salvation Army Service is a United Way Agency and is thankful that Wal-Mart and Kroger support their efforts to raise these much needed funds.

Doug Kucera, Salvation Army Director in Marshall County said,  “Giving has always been good in our county but I’m still in need of bell ringers.”

Red Kettle Bell Ringer 2018_FireTo be a volunteer bell ringer, contact Doug Kucera at 574-540-9105 or stop by Uncle Doug’s Barber Shop across the street from the Plymouth Fire Station.  Two or more hour shifts are preferable and he is willing to accommodate anybody’s schedule.

Last year the Red Kettle campaign raised nearly $14,000 between Thanksgiving and Christmas and that did not include funds raised in Culver or Bremen campaigns.