Sick BankThe Marshall County Sick Bank Board recently made a recommendation to the County Commissioners for 2021.

Board members are Sharon Dotta, Rhonda Ferguson and Matt Hassel.  The Sick Bank offers county employees who are facing long term illnesses the ability to use other county employees sick days so they can still receive a paycheck. There is an application process and employees must have exhausted all their sick time, vacation time, and comp time to apply for sick bank days.

For 2021, any newly joining employee must donate two of their sick days to become a member. Employees who are already members won’t have to donate any sick days.

In the recommendation to the Commissioners the board said for this year 106 sick bank days were used and 14 days were collected.  The projected balance at the end of 2020 will be 1,123 days.

The commissioners approved the recommendation.