City NEwsIn recent years, the City of Plymouth has implemented various safety programs in an effort to improve operations. These programs have been met with great success and are an important piece of the City’s risk management strategies. Insurance is another important risk management tool for the City. In 2020, a review of the City’s property and casualty insurance has yielded a nearly $90,000 savings in premiums.


Plymouth leadership works to make the safety of its more than 100 employees and the people they serve a top priority. That emphasis on safety has taken on another dimension during the COVID-19 pandemic, with enhanced sanitation, modified operations, and social distancing practices. Mayor Mark Senter said, “From the police department to the water department and everything in between, City services have continued to be essential. Throughout these times, our staff has tirelessly worked to keep the people of Plymouth safe, all while protecting themselves.” “It’s been challenging, but I know that our staff has a great base of safety training to lean on,” Mayor Senter also stated.


Several years ago, the City formed a safety committee. The committee, which is composed of the various department heads, meets monthly to discuss what’s happening in the departments and how safety improvements can be made. The committee receives support from the City’s risk management consultants from Gibson Insurance. The department heads take what they’ve learned through the committee back to their departments and, working with the consultants, provide specific workplace training to all of their employees. Mayor Senter noted, “Training is key to building a workplace safety culture and essential to managing the City’s risk.”


The City has also implemented other risk management techniques in partnership with Gibson, including claims trending analysis to help pinpoint areas for attention, and driver monitoring strategies to ensure that City employees driving on behalf of the City remain safe drivers, to protect both themselves and the community at large.


Plymouth’s risk management strategy also includes insurance coverage. Earlier this year, the City undertook an extensive review of its existing property and casualty insurance policies. During that process, the decision was made to market the City’s coverage to competing insurance carriers. “The City had not marketed its insurance coverage in a number of years and we felt that it would be prudent to do so at this time to see if any cost savings could be realized,” said Plymouth Clerk-Treasurer Jeanine Xaver. Numerous insurance carriers vied for the City’s business. In the end, the City decided to consolidate its coverages with a new carrier and experienced a significant savings. “As the City’s fiscal officer, I’m pleased to announce a savings of nearly $90,000 on our insurance costs for the coming year, Clerk-Treasurer Xaver also stated. In addition to the savings, some coverage enhancements were achieved, along with a coverage structure that allows for additional limits.


Mayor Senter stated, “I thank Clerk-Treasurer Xaver for all her work in the insurance marketing effort. I also appreciate the helpful insights offered by all of our City Council members.” “As we wrap up June, which is National Safety Month, I hope that all our citizens continue to do their part to make our community a safer place to live, work, and play,” the Mayor also said.