Argos Town Council Approves $1.2 Budget for 2011

October 28, 2010

10/29/10 The Argos Town Council adopted the 2011 budget during their meeting last week.  With last minute cuts the budget was reduced to $1,290,403.

“I want to thank you guys for regrouping and making additional cuts,” Council President George Null told the group attending the meeting.

Eric Walsh, from Umbaugh & Associates, told the council the cuts to the budget reduced the negative cash flow to $133,000.  Walsh told the Council they cannot increase the levee since it is locked in by the State.  He suggested to spend less than what was budgeted and to study the possibility of taxing the utilities to increase revenues.

The Salary Ordinance was tabled till the next meeting.  Council Member, Dave Walker, suggested to table the Ordinance till absent Council Member Casie Rowe would be able to vote.

There is an opening on the Police Commission with the resignation of Tom Nolin.  Council Member, Linda Jones, will temporarily fill the empty slot for the time being.  The Commission will soon be interviewing applicants for the patrolman vacancy.  “I believe it should be more citizens than Council members on the Commission.” stressed Council Member Val Harley.  She also said those who are members of the volunteer service groups (ie. EMS and Fire Department) should not be on the Police Commission due to a conflict of interest.  Any person, who is a Republican and interested in serving on the Police Commission, can leave a letter of intent at the Town Clerk’s office.