City Meetings Monday

December 7, 2014

City HallThe Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety will open bids for fuel supplies and street material during their meeting Monday evening at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall.

Mark Sullivan from Midwestern Engineers will be on hand to present change order number one for the Beerenbrook and West Jefferson Street Storm Sewer Project. He is also expected to announce the substantial completion of the project.

City Engineer Rick Gaul will discuss the Safe Routes to School and ADA improvements on Baker Street.

Also on the agenda is the city engineer report, clerk treasurer’s report, approval of claims and a presentation by Chip Dean.

The Plymouth Common Council meeting begins at 6:30. Agenda items include a 2015 intergovernmental agreement between Marshall County and the City of Plymouth for Planning Service and an agreement with Ralph Booker for his planning services.

The Public is welcome to attend the meeting but comments and questions are only permitted on agenda items.

Following the Common Council meeting there will be an executive session to discuss strategy to lease real property.